Ontario Fish Monitoring Program
Ontario Fish Monitoring Program - Ontario Lakes
The Fishery of White Lake, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources. Technical Report TR-107, 1998
Anecdotal History of White Lake and its Fishery, 1974
Summary of MNR White Lake Trapnet Study, 1969
Broad-scale Fisheries Monitoring Program Bulletin White Lake - 2008
Summary of Fish Population Surveys of White Lake, 2014
Broad Scale Fish Monitoring Manual
Broad Scale Fish Monitoring Brochure Summary
Background Documentation
Current Programs, Results and Analysis
Broad-scale Fisheries Monitoring Program Bulletin White Lake - 2014
White Lake Fish Habitat Project, 2015 Summary Report
Carleton Place District Fisheries Management Plan, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, 1988
Part I
Part II
White Lake Fish Habitat Project, 2015 Final Report
White Lake Fisheries Assessment - 1989
H. von Rosen, Fisheries Management Officer, Carleton Place District, Ministry of Natural Resources
Broad-scale Fisheries Monitoring Program Bulletin White Lake - 2019
Zone summary for Fisheries Management Zone 18, Cycle 1: 2008-2012 (MNRF)
Broad-scale Fisheries Monitoring Lake Synopsis: White Lake - 2016